Banksy é o pseudónimo dun artista británico dos graffiti. Crese que naceu en Bristol, UK, pero descoñécese a súa identidade. O seu traballo consiste fundamentalmente en debuxos feitos con plantillas ou stencils, segundo a súa propia testemuña para pintar rápido nos muros, sen que o pillen, xa que esta actividade como seguramente sabedes é ilegal. Traballa moito en series, sobre arte, sobre ratas, sobre o muro de Palestina...As mensaxes que transmite son moi críticas co sistema político e económico que temos e sobre nós mesmos, aquí van algunhas e algúns dos seus pensamentos.
"A lot of people never use their inititaive because no-one told them to"
"People who should be shot: fascist thugs, religious fundamentalists and people who write lists telling you who should be shot"
"People who enjoy waving flags don't deserve to have one"
" We can't do anything to change the world until capitalism crumbles. In the meantime we should all go shopping to console ourselves"
Sobre o cadro nenúfares de Monet,
"Only when the last tree has been cut down and the last river has dried to a trickle will man finally realise that they cannot eat money, and reciting old proverbs makes you sound like a twat"
-Old man: you paint the wall, you make it look beautiful
-Me: Thanks
- Old man: we don't want it to be beautiful, we hate this wall, go home
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